"Morena oa Elasticity" ka Copper Alloys - Beryllium Copper Alloy

Beryllium ke tšepe e hlokolosi e amehang haholo ho mebuso e meholo ea sesole lefatšeng.Kamora lilemo tse fetang 50 tsa nts'etsopele e ikemetseng, indasteri ea naha ea heso ea beryllium e thehile sistimi e felletseng ea indasteri.Ka indasteri ea beryllium, tšepe ea beryllium ke eona e sebelisoang ka ho fetisisa empa e bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa.E na le ditshebediso tsa bohlokwa mafapheng a tshireletso ya naha, sepakapaka le matla a nyutlelie a mawa.Ke mohlodi wa leano le wa bohlokwa o amanang le tshireletso ya naha;Chelete e kholo ka ho fetisisa ke beryllium koporo alloy, e sebelisoang haholo masimong a indasteri.United States e thibela beryllium e hloekileng le li-alloys tsa koporo tsa beryllium ho ea Chaena.Beryllium koporo alloy ke lisebelisoa tse se nang ferrous alloy elastic tse nang le thepa e phethahetseng, e tsejoang e le "king of elasticity", e nang le matla a phahameng, boima bo phahameng, ho hanyetsa kutu, motlakase o phahameng oa motlakase, mocheso o phahameng oa mocheso, ho hanyetsa mokhathala, ho hanyetsa kutu, elasticity. E na le ts'ebetso e ntle haholo joalo ka hysteresis e nyane, e seng ea makenete, 'me ha e na litlhase ha e ameha.Ka hona, ts'ebeliso e ka sehloohong ea beryllium ke beryllium koporo alloy, 'me ho hakanngoa hore 65% ea beryllium' marakeng ke mofuta oa beryllium koporo alloy.

1. Kakaretso ea indasteri ea kantle ea beryllium

Hona joale, ke United States feela, Kazakhstan le Chaena tse nang le tsamaiso e feletseng ea indasteri ea beryllium ho tloha merafong ea beryllium ore, metallurgy ho ea ho tšepe ea beryllium le alloy processing ka tekanyo ea indasteri.Indasteri ea beryllium United States ke eona e kholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng, e emelang boemo ba lefats'e ba tlhahiso ea theknoloji ea beryllium, 'me e na le molemo o feletseng indastering ea lefats'e ea beryllium, e etellang pele le e etellang pele.United States e laola khoebo ea lefatše ka bophara indastering ea beryllium ka ho fana ka lihlahisoa tsa beryllium tse tala, tse felileng, le tse felileng ho bahlahisi ba bangata ba lihlahisoa tsa beryllium lefatšeng ka bophara, United States le kantle ho naha.Japane e lekanyelitsoe ke khaello ea lisebelisoa tsa beryllium ore 'me ha e na bokhoni ba ketane eohle ea indasteri, empa e na le theknoloji e tsoetseng pele ea ts'ebetso ea bobeli' me e phetha karolo ea bohlokoa indastering ea lefats'e ea beryllium.
American Materion (eo pele e neng e le Brash Wellman) ke eena feela moetsi ea kopantsoeng lefatšeng ea ka hlahisang lihlahisoa tsohle tsa beryllium.Ho na le litsi tse peli tse ka sehloohong.Tšebeliso e 'ngoe e hlahisa li-alloys tsa beryllium tšimong ea indasteri, lipoleiti tsa koporo tsa beryllium, lihlopha, lithapo, li-tubes, lithupa, joalo-joalo;le lisebelisoa tsa beryllium tsa optical-grade, hammoho le li-alloys tsa boleng bo phahameng ba beryllium-aluminium bakeng sa lisebelisoa tsa sefofane.NGK Corporation ke moetsi oa bobeli o moholo oa koporo ea beryllium lefatšeng, eo pele e neng e tsejoa e le NGK Metal Corporation.E qalile ho hlahisa li-alloys tsa koporo tsa beryllium ka 1958 mme ke setsi se nang le thepa e felletseng ea NipponGaishi Co., Ltd. (NipponGaishi).Ka 1986, Nippon Insulator Co., Ltd. e ile ea reka lekala la koporo ea beryllium ea Cabot Corporation ea United States 'me ea fetola lebitso la eona ho NGK, kahoo ea etsa boemo ba ho hlōlisana le Materion Corporation ea United States tšimong ea koporo ea beryllium.Obstruction Metals ke morekisi e moholo ka ho fetisisa lefatšeng oa beryllium oxide (mehloli ea mantlha e tsoang kantle ho naha ke Materion e United States le Ulba Metallurgical Plant e Kazakhstan).Bokhoni ba selemo le selemo ba tlhahiso ea NGK ea koporo ea beryllium bo hakanyetsoa ho feta lithane tse 6,000.Setsi sa Urba Metallurgical Plant ke sona feela setsi sa ho qhibilihisa le ho lokisa beryllium sebakeng seo pele e neng e le Soviet Union 'me hona joale ke karolo ea Kazakhstan.Pele ho putlama ha Soviet Union, tlhahiso ea beryllium ho Urba Metallurgical Plant e ne e le lekunutu haholo ebile e sa tsejoe hakaalo.Ka 2000, Ulba Metallurgical Plant e fumane chelete ea US $ 25 milione ho tsoa k'hamphaning ea Amerika ea Materion.Materion e fane ka Ulba Metallurgical Plant ka lichelete tsa tlhahiso ea beryllium lilemong tse peli tse qalang, 'me ea ntlafatsa thepa ea eona le ho fana ka theknoloji e ncha.Ka lehlakoreng le leng, The Urba Metallurgical Plant e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa beryllium feela ho Materion, haholo-holo ho kenyelletsa li-ingots tsa tšepe tsa beryllium le li-alloys tsa koporo tsa beryllium (phepelo ho fihlela 2012).Ka 2005, Urba Metallurgical Plant e ile ea phethela moralo ona oa matsete oa lilemo tse 5.Matla a selemo le selemo a tlhahiso ea Urba Metallurgical Plant ke lithane tse 170-190 tsa lihlahisoa tsa beryllium, matla a selemo le selemo a tlhahiso ea koporo ea beryllium ke lithane tse 3000, 'me matla a selemo a tlhahiso ea koporo ea beryllium ke lithane tse 3000.Matla a tlhahiso ea selemo le selemo a lihlahisoa a fihla ho lithane tse 1,000.Wuerba Metallurgical Plant e ile ea tsetela le ho theha lekala le nang le thepa ka botlalo Shanghai, China: Wuzhong Metallurgical Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd., e ikarabellang bakeng sa ho kenya, ho romela kantle, ho romela kantle le thekiso ea lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani tsa beryllium naheng ea China, Asia Bochabela. , Asia Boroa-bochabela le libaka tse ling.Kamora lilemo tsa nts'etsopele, Wuzhong Metallurgical Products (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. e fetohile e mong oa barekisi ba bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ba li-alloys tsa koporo tsa beryllium Chaena, Asia Bochabela le Asia Boroa-bochabela.Naheng ea China, e ne e nkile karolo e fetang 70% ea karolo ea 'maraka sehlohlolong.

2. Boemo bo akaretsang ba indasteri ea naha ea beryllium
Kamora mashome a lilemo a nts'etsopele, indasteri ea beryllium ea China e thehile sistimi e felletseng ea indasteri ho tloha merafong ea ore, metallurgy ho ea ho tšepe ea beryllium le alloy process.Lihlahisoa tse ka sehloohong tsa 'maraka tse abuoang hona joale ketane ea indasteri ea beryllium li kenyelletsa: metsoako ea beryllium, tšepe ea beryllium, li-alloys tsa beryllium, li-ceramics tsa beryllium oxide le lisebelisoa tsa tšepe tse entsoeng ka beryllium.Likhoebo tse kholo li kenyelletsa likhoebo tsa mmuso tse kang Dongfang Tantalum le Minmetals Beryllium, hammoho le likhoebo tse nyane tsa poraefete.Ka 2018, China e hlahisitse lithane tse 50 tsa beryllium e hloekileng.United States e thibela tšepe ea beryllium le li-alloys tsa koporo tsa beryllium ho ea Chaena.Ntho e nyenyane empa e le ea bohlokoa ka ho fetisisa ketane ea indasteri ke tšepe ea beryllium.Metal beryllium e sebelisoa haholo-holo mafapheng a ts'ireletso ea naha, sepakapaka le lisebelisoa tsa leano, 'me ts'ebeliso ea ts'ireletso ea naha e bohlokoa ka ho fetesisa e mabapi le metsu ea nyutlelie ea maano.Ho feta moo, e boetse e kenyelletsa likarolo tsa foreimi ea sathelaete le likarolo tsa sebopeho, 'mele oa seipone sa satellite, li-rocket nozzles, li-gyroscopes le likarolo tsa taolo ea libetsa, liphutheloana tsa elektroniki, lits'ebetso tsa puisano ea data le mekhatlo ea seipone bakeng sa lilase tsa matla a phahameng;nuclear-grade metal beryllium e boetse e sebediswa bakeng sa Patlisiso/teko ya nuclear fission and fusion reactor.Chelete e kholo ka ho fetisisa ea ketane ea indasteri ke beryllium koporo alloy.Ho ea ka lipalo-palo, ho feta 80% ea beryllium hydroxide e sebelisetsoa ho hlahisa beryllium koporo master alloy (4% beryllium content).Alloy ea 'mè e hlapolotsoe ka koporo e hloekileng ho hlahisa li-alloys tsa beryllium-copper tse nang le beryllium ea 0.1 ~ 2% le likarolo tse sa tšoaneng, ho kenyelletsa le mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea li-profiles tsa beryllium-copper alloy (bars, strips, plates, wires, liphaephe), ho qeta likhoebo Sebelisa lintlha tsena ho sebetsana le likarolo tse sebelisoang masimong a indasteri joalo ka lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki.Tlhahiso ea beryllium-copper alloy hangata e arotsoe likarolo tse peli: holimo le tlaase.Ho ea holimo ho na le merafo, ho ntšoa le ho qhibiliha ho beryllium e nang le beryllium-copper master alloy (liteng tsa beryllium ka kakaretso ke 4%);ka tlaase ke motsoako oa beryllium-copper master alloy e le motsoako, ho eketsa koporo Ho qhibiliha le ho sebetsa ka beryllium copper alloy profiles (li-tubes, strips, rods, wires, plates, joalo-joalo), sehlahisoa se seng le se seng sa alloy se tla aroloa ka lihlopha tse fapaneng ka lebaka la ho se kgone ho etsa.

3. Kakaretso
'Marakeng oa koporo ea beryllium master alloy, matla a tlhahiso a tsepamisitsoe lik'hamphaning tse 'maloa,' me United States ke eona e laolang.Tekanyo ea theknoloji ea tlhahiso ea beryllium koporo alloy e batla e phahame, 'me indasteri eohle e batla e tsepamisitsoe.Ho na le barekisi ba 'maloa feela kapa moetsi a le mong e moholo bakeng sa mofuta o mong le o mong o arohaneng.Ka lebaka la khaello ea lisebelisoa le theknoloji e etellang pele, US Materion e maemong a etelletseng pele, NGK ea Japane le Urbakin Metallurgical Plant ea Kazakhstan le tsona li na le matla a matla, 'me likhoebo tsa lapeng li salletse morao ka botlalo.Ka 'marakeng oa profil ea beryllium koporo ea alloy, lihlahisoa tsa malapeng li tsepamisitsoe tšimong ea bohareng ho ea ho ea tlaase,' me ho na le tlhokahalo e kholo ea mefuta e meng le sebaka sa theko marakeng a bohareng ba ho ea holimo.Ebang ke beryllium-copper alloy kapa beryllium-copper alloy profiles, likhoebo tsa malapeng li ntse li le boemong ba ho tšoasa, 'me lihlahisoa li fumaneha haholo' marakeng oa boemo bo tlaase, 'me theko hangata e halofo kapa e tlaase ho feta ea lihlahisoa tsa United States le Japane.Lebaka le ntse le lekanyelitsoe ke botsitso ba theknoloji ea smelting le ts'ebetso.Karolo ena e bolela hore tabeng ea litšenyehelo tse tlaase tsa tlhahiso ea malapeng le ea tlhahiso, haeba theknoloji e itseng ea ho qhibilihisa koporo ea beryllium e sebetsa hantle kapa e kopantsoe, sehlahisoa se lebeletsoe ho kena 'marakeng oa bohareng ka phaello ea theko.High-purity beryllium (99.99%) le beryllium-copper master alloys ke lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tse thibetsoeng ke United States ho romelloa China.

Nako ea poso: May-05-2022