Analysis of Supply and Demand Pattern and Industrial Policy of Beryllium Ore Industry of the United States

Beryllium ea tšepe e sa tloaelehang ke mohloli oa bohlokoa oa liminerale, o bapalang karolo ea bohlokoa ho nts'etsopele ea liindasteri tsa theknoloji e phahameng.Ho na le mefuta e fetang 100 ea liminerale tse nang le metallic beryllium element ka tlhaho, 'me mefuta e fetang 20 e tloaelehile.Har'a bona, beryl (litaba tsa beryllium oxide li etsa 9.26% ~ 14.40%), hydroxysiliconite (litaba tsa beryllium oxide 39.6% ~ 42.6%) le silicon beryllium (43.60% ho 45.67% beryllium oxide content) liminerale tse tharo tse tloaelehileng tse nang le beryllium.Joaloka lisebelisoa tse tala tsa beryllium, beryl le beryllium ke lihlahisoa tse nang le liminerale tse nang le beryllium tse nang le boleng bo phahameng ba khoebo.Le hoja ho na le mefuta e mengata ea ores e nang le beryllium ka tlhaho, boholo ba eona e amahanngoa le li-deposit tse amanang.Ho na le mefuta e meraro ea li-deposit tse lumellanang le lihlahisoa tse tharo tse tloaelehileng tsa beryllium tse nang le liminerale: mofuta oa pele ke li-deposit tsa beryl granite pegmatite, tse ajoang haholo Brazil, India, Russia le United States;mofuta oa bobeli ke hydroxysilicon beryllium ka tuff.Li-deposit tse entsoeng ka majoe;mofuta oa boraro ke tšepe e sa tloaelehang ea tšepe ea siliceous beryllium sebakeng sa syenite.Ka 2009, Komiti ea Ts'ireletso ea Leano la Ts'ireletso ea Ts'ireletso ea United States e khethile tšepe ea beryllium e hloekileng haholo e le lisebelisoa tsa bohlokoa tsa maano.United States ke naha e nang le mehloli e mengata ea beryllium lefatšeng ka bophara, e nang le lithane tse ka bang 21,000 tsa polokelo ea tšepe ea beryllium, e leng karolo ea 7.7% ea mehloli ea lefatše.Ka nako e ts'oanang, United States e boetse ke naha e nang le histori e telele ka ho fetisisa ea ho sebelisa mehloli ea beryllium.Ka hona, boemo ba phepelo le tlhokahalo ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States le liphetoho tsa eona li na le phello ea bohlokoa molemong oa phepelo le tlhokahalo ea indasteri ea lefatše ea beryllium ore.Ka lebaka lena, pampiri ena e sekaseka mokhoa oa phepelo le tlhokahalo ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States, ebe e ithuta maano a mantlha a indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States, mme e ntša likhothaletso tse nepahetseng, le ho fana ka litlhahiso tse nepahetseng ho. ho khothaletsa nts'etsopele ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium naheng ea heso.

1 Mokhoa oa phepelo le tlhoko ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States

1.1 Tlhahlobo ea boemo ba phepelo ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States

Lintlha tsa 2020 tse tsoang ho United States Geological Survey (USGS) li bontša hore mehloli ea lefats'e ea mehloli ea beryllium e khethiloe ho feta lithane tse 100,000, tseo hoo e ka bang 60% ea tsona li leng United States.Ka 2018, tlhahiso ea merafo ea beryllium ea US (litaba tsa tšepe) e ne e ka ba 165t, e leng karolo ea 68.75% ea tlhahiso ea lefats'e ka bophara (litaba tsa tšepe).Sebaka sa Spor Mountain sa Utah, sebaka sa Butte sa Lithaba tsa McCullough se Nevada, sebaka sa Black Mountain se South Dakota, sebaka sa Sierra Blanca sa Texas, Hloahloeng ea Seward ka bophirima ho Alaska, le sebaka sa Utah Sebaka sa Thaba ea Khauta ke sebaka seo. moo mehloli ea beryllium e tsepamisitsoeng teng.United States hape ke naha e nang le mehloli e meholo ka ho fetisisa ea beryllium silicate lefatšeng.Spo Mountain deposit e Utah ke moemeli ea tloaelehileng oa mofuta ona oa depositi.Libaka tse netefalitsoeng tsa tšepe tsa beryllium li fihlile ho lithane tse 18,000.Boholo ba lisebelisoa tsa beryllium United States li tsoa ho depositi ena.

American Materion e na le tsamaiso e feletseng ea indasteri ea beryllium ore le beryllium concentrate mining, tlhahiso le tlhahiso, 'me ke moetapele oa indasteri ea lefats'e.Karolo e ka holimo ea ketane ea eona ea indasteri ea beryllium ke ho cheka le ho hlahlobisisa ore e tala ea morafo, le ho fumana lisebelisoa tsa mantlha tsa hydroxysilicon beryllium (90%) le beryl (10%).Beryllium hydroxide;boholo ba beryllium hydroxide e fetoloa ho beryllium oxide e phahameng-hloekileng, tšepe ea beryllium le li-alloys tsa beryllium ka mekhoa e fapaneng ea ho sebetsa ka tlase ho ketane ea indasteri, 'me tse ling li rekisoa ka ho toba.Ho latela lintlha tsa 2015 tse tsoang ho United States Geological Survey (USGS), lihlahisoa tse tlase tsa ketane ea indasteri ea beryllium ea US li kenyelletsa 80% beryllium koporo alloy, 15% beryllium ea tšepe le 5% ea liminerale tse ling, tse hlahisoang ka mokhoa oa foil, molamu. , lakane le tube.Lihlahisoa tsa Beryllium li kena setsing sa bareki.

1.2 Tlhahlobo ea Tlhokahalo ea Indasteri ea Ore ea US Beryllium

United States ke moreki e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa liminerale tsa beryllium lefatšeng, 'me tšebeliso ea eona e etsa karolo ea 90% ea kakaretso ea tšebeliso ea lefats'e.Ka selemo sa 2018, tšebeliso e felletseng ea beryllium United States (litaba tsa tšepe) e ne e le 202t, mme ts'epo ea kantle (karolelano ea kantle ho naha ho ts'ebeliso e bonahalang) e ne e ka ba 18.32%.

Letoto la indasteri ea beryllium ea Amerika le na le liteishene tsa bareki tse fapaneng, ho kenyeletsoa likarolo tsa indasteri, sebaka sa sefofane le ts'ireletso, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa likoloi, lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki, lisebelisoa tsa mehala ea mehala le liindasteri tsa matla.Lihlahisoa tse fapaneng tse tlase li kena li-terminals tse fapaneng tsa bareki.Hoo e ka bang 55% ea liteishene tsa bareki ba tšepe ea beryllium li sebelisoa indastering ea sesole le indastering ea mahlale a tlhaho, 25% e sebelisoa indastering ea likarolo tsa indasteri le indastering ea lifofane tsa khoebo, 9% e sebelisoa indastering ea mehala ea likhokahano, mme 6% e sebelisoa indastering ea mehala. indasteri.Lefapheng la bongaka, 5% e 'ngoe ea lihlahisoa e sebelisoa liindastering tse ling.31% ea tšebeliso ea ho qetela ea koporo ea beryllium e sebelisoa indastering ea likarolo tsa indasteri le indasteri ea sebaka sa khoebo, 20% indastering ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki tsa bareki, 17% indastering ea lisebelisoa tsa elektroniki, 12% indastering ea matla, 11% indastering ea litšebeletso tsa likhokahano tsa mehala. , 7% bakeng sa indasteri ea lisebelisoa tsa lapeng, le 2% e 'ngoe bakeng sa liindasteri tsa ts'ireletso le tsa bongaka.

1.3 Tshekatsheko ya Diphetoho tsa Phepelo le Tlhokahalo ho Indasteri ya Ore ya Beryllium ya US

Ho tloha ka 1991 ho isa 1997, phepelo le tlhoko ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium naheng ea United States e ne e le maemong a leka-lekaneng, 'me ts'epo ea ho reka kantle ho naha e ne e le ka tlase ho 35t.

Ho tloha 2010 ho isa 2012, boemo ba phepelo le tlhoko ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States bo ile ba fetoha haholo, haholo-holo ka 2010, tšebeliso e fihlile tlhorong ea 456t, mme bophahamo ba theko ea kantle ho naha bo fihlile ho 276t.Ho tloha ka 2013, boemo ba phepelo le tlhoko ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States bo theohile, 'me theko ea kantle ho naha e nyane.Ka kakaretso, boemo ba phepelo le tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium United States bo angoa haholo ke maemo a machaba le maano a moruo oa lehae.Har'a bona, tlhahiso ea morafo oa beryllium United States e angoa haholo ke koluoa ​​​​ea lefats'e ea oli le mathata a lichelete, 'me ho hlakile hore phetoho ea tlhokahalo e angoa ke tsoelo-pele ea moruo le maano a eona.

E le mohlahisi e moholo ka ho fetisisa oa lihlahisoa tsa beryllium ore United States, ka 2017, Materion Company's proven reserves of beryllium feldspar in Juab County, Utah, United States e ne e le lithane tse limilione tse 7.37, tseo karolelano ea beryllium e neng e le 0.248%, le beryllium -e nang le ore e ne e ka ba lithane tse 18,300.Har'a bona, Khamphani ea Materion E na le 90% ea mehloli ea liminerale e netefalitsoeng.Ka hona, phepelo ea nakong e tlang ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium United States e ntse e tla lula e le maemong a ka sehloohong lefatšeng.Karolong ea pele ea 2018, karolo ea Materion e ruileng ea beryllium e nang le ts'ebetso e phahameng ea ts'ebetso le likarolo tse kopaneng e bone keketseho ea 28% ea thekiso ea boleng bo phahameng ha e bapisoa le 2017;halofo ea pele ea 2019, Materion Khampani e tlalehile hore thekiso ea eona ea marang-rang ea beryllium alloy strip le lihlahisoa tse ngata, hammoho le tšepe ea beryllium le lihlahisoa tse kopantsoeng, e eketsehile ka 6% selemo le selemo ka 2018, e leng ho fokotseha ho hoholo ha kholo.Ho latela lintlha tse tsoang ho United States Geological Survey (USGS), pampiri ena e bolela esale pele phepelo le tlhoko ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium United States ka 2025, 2030 le 2035. Ho ka bonoa hore ho tloha 2020 ho isa 2035, tlhahiso le ts'ebeliso ea lihlahisoa tsa beryllium ore United States li tla be li sa tsitsa, 'me tlhahiso ea eona ea malapeng ea lihlahisoa tsa beryllium e ntse e le thata ho finyella litlhoko tsa eona ka botlalo,' me lekhalo le tla atisa ho atoloha.

2. Tlhahlobo ea mokhoa oa khoebo oa indasteri ea ore ea beryllium United States

2.1 Kgwebo ya dihlahiswa tsa diminerale tsa beryllium naheng ya Amerika e fetohile ho tloha ho tse rekisetswang kantle ho naha ho ya ho tse kantle.

United States ka bobedi ke morekisi ya ka sehloohong wa dihlahiswa tsa diminerale tsa beryllium le morekisi wa dihlahiswa tsa diminerale tsa beryllium.Ka khoebo ea machaba, lihlahisoa tsa mantlha tsa beryllium tse tsoang lefats'eng lohle li phallela United States, 'me United States e boetse e fana ka lihlahisoa tsa beryllium semi-finished le lihlahisoa tse qetellang beryllium linaheng tse ling tsa lefats'e.Lintlha tse tsoang ho United States Geological Survey (USGS) li bonts'a hore ka selemo sa 2018, bophahamo ba thepa e tsoang kantle ho naha (tekanyo ea tšepe) ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium United States e ne e le 67t, bophahamo ba thepa e tsoang kantle ho naha (litaba tsa tšepe) e ne e le 30t, le kantle ho naha (liteng tsa tšepe). ) e fihlile 37t.

2.2 Liphetoho ho balekane ba ka sehloohong ba khoebo ba lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium tsa US

Lilemong tsa morao tjena, barekisi ba ka sehloohong ba lihlahisoa tsa beryllium United States ke Canada, Chaena, United Kingdom, Jeremane, Japane le linaheng tse ling.Ka 2017, United States e ile ea romela lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium Canada, United Kingdom, Jeremane, Fora, Japane le linaheng tse ling, tse etsang karolo ea 56%, 18%, 11%, 7%, 4% le 4% ea thepa eohle ea eona, ka ho latellana.Har'a tsona, lihlahisoa tsa ore tsa beryllium tse sa sebetsoang tsa US (ho akarelletsa le phofo) li romeloa Argentina 62%, Korea Boroa 14%, Canada 9%, Jeremane 5% le UK 5%;Linaha le libaka tse romelang litšila tsa beryllium ore United States 'me Canada e entse karolo ea 66%, Taiwan, Chaena 34%;US beryllium tšepe diyantle linaheng tse 'me e ikarabella bakeng sa 58% naheng ea Canada, 13% Jeremane, 8% Fora, 5% Japane le 4% United Kingdom.

2.3 Diphetoho dithekong tsa ho kenya le ho romela kantle ho naha ya dihlahiswa tsa diminerale tsa beryllium naheng ya Amerika

Lihlahisoa tsa beryllium tse tsoang linaheng tse ling tse tsoang linaheng tse ling li fapane haholo, ho akarelletsa le tšepe ea beryllium, beryllium ore le concentrate, beryllium koporo sheet, beryllium copper master alloy, beryllium oxide le beryllium hydroxide, beryllium e sa sebetseng (ho kenyeletsoa phofo) le litšila tsa beryllium.Ka 2017, United States e ile ea kenya 61.8t ea lihlahisoa tsa ore ea beryllium (e lekanang le tšepe), eo tšepe ea beryllium, beryllium oxide le beryllium hydroxide (e lekanang le tšepe) le li-flakes tsa koporo tsa beryllium (tse lekanang le tšepe) li ne li nka karolo ea 38 lekholong ea kakaretso. imports, ka ho latellana.6%, 14%.Boima bo bong bo tsoang kantle ho naha ba beryllium oxide le beryllium hydroxide ke 10.6t, boleng ke lidolara tse likete tse 112 tsa US, 'me theko ea kantle ke lidolara tse 11 tsa US / kg;boima ba kantle ho naha ea koporo ea beryllium ke 589t, boleng ke lidolara tse likete tse 8990 tsa US, 'me theko ea kantle ho naha ke lidolara tse 15 tsa US / kg;Theko ea ho kenya tšepe e ne e le $ 83 / kg.

3. Tlhahlobo ea Leano la Indasteri ea Beryllium ea US

3.1 Leano la taolo ea kantle ho naha ea US beryllium

United States ke e 'ngoe ea linaha tsa pele tsa ho sebelisa taolo ea ho romela thepa litabeng tsa lehae le tsa kantle ho naha le ho sebeletsa lithahasello tsa eona tsa mantlha tsa naha.Molao oa Taolo ea Khoebo oa 1949 o ile oa rala motheo oa tsamaiso ea sejoale-joale ea taolo ea kantle ho naha ea US.Ka 1979, "The Export Administration Law" le "Export Control Regulations" li ile tsa laola thomello ea thepa e sebelisoang habeli, thekenoloji le lits'ebeletso tse amanang le tsona, 'me ea sisinya hore bongata ba lihlahisoa tsa liminerale bo lokela ho ba ka tekanyo e lekaneng ho polokelo ea eona ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale. .Lilaesense tsa ho romela kantle ho naha United States li kenyelletsa lilaesense tse akaretsang le lilaesense tse khethehileng.Lilaesense tse akaretsang li hloka feela ho fana ka phatlalatso ea thomello kantle ho naha;athe mangolo a tumello a khethehileng a tlameha ho kenya kopo Lekaleng la Khoebo.Pele ho tumello, lihlahisoa tsohle le tlhaiso-leseling ea tekheniki ha e lumelloe ho tsoa kantle ho naha.Mofuta oa phano ea laesense ea ho romela kantle bakeng sa lihlahisoa tsa liminerale o ipapisitse le lintlha tse joalo ka sehlopha, boleng le naha eo thepa e eang ho eona.Dihlahiswa tse ikgethang tsa diminerale tse amang ditabatabelo tsa tshireletso ya naha kapa tse thibetsweng ka kotloloho ho romela kantle ha di ka hara sebaka sa dilaesense tsa thomelontle.Lilemong tsa morao tjena, United States e entse letoto la lintlafatso ho maano a taolo ea kantle ho naha, joalo ka Molao oa Tokiso ea Taolo ea kantle ho naha o fetisitsoeng ka 2018, o atolosetsang taolo ea thomello kantle ho naha, ho rekisetsa kantle kapa phetisetso ea mahlale a hlahang le a mantlha.Ho ea ka melaoana e ka holimo, United States e romela feela tšepe e hloekileng ea beryllium linaheng tse itseng, 'me e bolela hore tšepe ea beryllium e tsoang United States e ke ke ea rekisoa linaheng tse ling ntle le tumello ea' muso oa US.

3.2 Khothaletsa thomello ea lichelete ho laola phepelo ea lihlahisoa tsa beryllium mose ho maoatle

Mmuso wa Amerika o tshehetsa ka mafolofolo ho romelwa ha chelete e ngata haholo ke dikhamphani tsa merafo tsa dinaha tse fapaneng, mme o kgothalletsa dikhamphani tsena ho etsa ka matla ho hlahloba diminerale, ho rafa, ho lokisa, ho qhibidiha le ho bapatsa mesebetsi ya ho hapa, ho laola le ho laola metheo ya kantle ya tlhahiso ya beryllium ore.Ka mohlala, US e laola Ulba Metallurgical Plant e Kazakhstan ka lichelete le theknoloji, e etsa hore e be setsi se seholo ka ho fetisisa sa phepelo ea lihlahisoa tse entsoeng ka tšepe United States.Kazakhstan ke naha ea bohlokoa lefats'eng e khonang ho rafa le ho ntša ore ea beryllium le ho lokisa metsoako ea beryllium.Urba Metallurgical Plant ke k'hamphani e kholo e akaretsang ea lisebelisoa tsa tšepe Kazakhstan.Lihlahisoa tse ka sehloohong tsa beryllium ore li kenyelletsa lisebelisoa tsa beryllium, lihlahisoa tsa beryllium, beryllium Copper master alloy, beryllium aluminium master alloy le likarolo tse sa tšoaneng tsa beryllium oxide, joalo-joalo, li hlahisa 170-190t / a ea lihlahisoa tsa beryllium ore.Ka ho kenella ha lichelete le theknoloji, United States e atlehile ho fetola Urba Metallurgical Plant hore e be setsi sa phepelo ea lihlahisoa tsa beryllium le li-alloys tsa beryllium United States.Ho phaella ho Kazakhstan, Japane le Brazil le tsona li fetohile barekisi ba ka sehloohong ba lihlahisoa tsa beryllium United States.Ho feta moo, United States e boetse e matlafalitse ka mafolofolo ho theoa ha lilekane tsa litšebelisano le linaha tse ling tse ruileng ka mehloli ea liminerale.Mohlala, ka 2019, United States e fihletse lilekane tse leshome tsa merafo le Australia, Argentina, Brazil le linaha tse ling ho netefatsa phepelo e tsitsitseng ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa lapeng.

3.3 Leano la US la theko ea thepa ea liminerale tsa beryllium le theko ea kantle ho naha

Ka ho bapisa litheko tsa ho kenya le ho romela thepa ea tšepe ea beryllium United States, ho fumanoa hore khoebong ea machaba ea lihlahisoa tsa beryllium ore, United States e ke ke ea romela tšepe ea beryllium feela linaheng tse ling le libakeng tsa lefats'e ka theko e phahameng, empa hape fumana tšepe ea beryllium ho tsoa linaheng tse ling ka theko e tlase ea theko ea thepa.Ke ho kenya letsoho ho matla ha 'muso oa United States lirafshoeng tsa eona tsa bohlokoa.Mmuso wa US hangata o theha dilekane tsa tshebedisano-mmoho le dinaha tse ding lefatsheng, e le ho leka ho laola theko ya matjhaba ya diminerale tsa beryllium ka dilekane le ditumellano, le ho hodisa ditabatabelo tsa yona.Ho feta moo, Amerika e boetse e lekile ho aha bocha sebopeho sa machaba sa lipolotiki le moruo molemong oa eona ka likhohlano tsa khoebo le ho fokolisa matla a litheko a linaha tse ling lihlahisoa tsa liminerale.Hoo e ka bang lilemong tsa bo-1990, United States e ile ea saena letoto la litumellano tsa ts'ireletso ea khoebo le Japane ka "lipatlisiso tsa 301" le lipatlisiso tse khahlanong le ho lahla ho laola palo ea thepa e tala ea semiconductor e tsoang Japane ho ea United States le ho hlokomela litheko tsa Lihlahisoa tsa Majapane tse romelloang United States.

4. Tšusumetso le keletso

4.1 Tšenolo

Ho akaretsa, ho fumaneha hore leano la indasteri la United States mabapi le mehloli ea mehloli ea liminerale ea beryllium e thehiloe holim'a ts'ireletso ea lipolotiki le moruo oa naha, e leng se fanang ka naha ea heso pululelo e ngata.Sa pele, bakeng sa mehlodi ya lewa la diminerale, ka lehlakoreng le leng, re tlameha ho itshetleha hodima kabo ya lehae, mme ka lehlakoreng le leng, re tlameha ho ntlafatsa kabo ya disebediswa lefatsheng ka bophara ka ho theha maemo a matle a kgwebo ya matjhaba;Ke qalo ea bohlokoa bakeng sa katoloso ea lefatše le kabo ea mehloli ea liminerale.Ka hona, ho fana ka papali e felletseng ea tšebetso ea matsete a kantle ho lichelete tsa poraefete le ho khothaletsa ka matla boemo ba nchafatso ea thekenoloji ea mehlodi ya maano a diminerale ke tsela e nngwe ya bohlokwa ya ho ntlafatsa polokeho ya mehlodi ya lewa la naha ya heso.E loketseng lentswe la naha ya matjhaba ke mokgwa wa bohlokwa wa ho boloka tshireletseho ya phepelo ya leano la mehlodi ya diminerale ya naha.Ka ho thehwa ha dilekane tse haufi le dinaha tse amehang, United States e ntlafaditse haholo tokelo ya yona ya ho bua le ho laola theko ya mehlodi ya mawa a mehlodi ya diminerale, e lokelwang ke tlhokomelo e kgolo ya naha ya rona.

4.2 Likhothaletso

1) Ntlafatsa tsela ea ho batla le ho loanela ho eketsa mehloli ea mehloli ea beryllium naheng ea heso.Beryllium e netefalitsoeng naheng ea heso e laoloa ke liminerale tse amanang, haholo-holo tse amanang le lithium, niobium le tantalum ore (48%), e lateloe ke ore ea lefatše e sa tloaelehang (27%) kapa tungsten ore (20%).Ka hona, hoa hlokahala ho fumana ore e ikemetseng ea beryllium sebakeng sa merafo se amanang le beryllium, haholo-holo sebakeng sa merafo ea tungsten, 'me e etse hore e be tataiso e ncha ea bohlokoa ea lipatlisiso tsa beryllium naheng ea heso.Ho feta moo, tshebediso e batsi ya mekgwa ya setso le dithekenoloji tse ntjha tse jwalo ka geophysical remote sensing e ka matlafatsa thekenoloji ya naha ya heso ya ho lekola diminerale le mekgwa ya ho lekola borale, e leng se loketseng ho kaonafatsa sephetho sa dipatlisiso tsa beryllium naheng ya heso.

2) Theha selekane sa maano bakeng sa boqapi ba theknoloji ho ntlafatsa tlholisano ea lihlahisoa tse phahameng tsa beryllium.Mmaraka oa ts'ebeliso ea lihlahisoa tsa tšepe ea beryllium naheng ea heso o batla o le morao, 'me tlholisano ea machaba ea tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng ba beryllium e fokola.Ka hona, ts'ebeliso ea boqapi ba mahlale le thekenoloji ho ntlafatsa tlholisano ea 'maraka oa machabeng oa lihlahisoa tsa tšepe ea beryllium ke tataiso ea kamoso ea matsapa a naha ea heso bahlahisi ba lihlahisoa tsa tšepe ea beryllium.Bo ikhethang ba sekala le boemo ba leano la indasteri ea ore ea beryllium bo etsa qeto ea hore phetoho le ntlafatso ea indasteri ea ore ea beryllium e tlameha ho itšetleha ka tšebelisano ea maano pakeng tsa mmuso le likhoebo.Ho fihlela sena, mafapha a amehang a mmuso a lokela ho ntshetsapele ka mafolofolo ho thehwa ha dilekane tsa leano pakeng tsa mmuso le dikgwebo, ho tswela pele ho eketsa matsete ho popontshwa ya saense le thekenoloji le tshehetso ya leano bakeng sa dikgwebo tse amehang, le ho matlafatsa tshebedisano-mmoho le dikgwebo dipatlisisong le ntshetsopeleng ya sehlahiswa sa beryllium ore, teko. teko, ho futhumala, tlhahisoleseding, joalo-joalo Sebetsa haufi-ufi ho khothaletsa phetoho le ntlafatso ea lihlahisoa tsa tšepe ea beryllium, le ho aha motheo oa tlhahiso ea lihlahisoa tsa boleng bo phahameng tsa beryllium naheng ea heso, e le ho ntlafatsa tlhōlisano ea 'maraka oa machaba oa lihlahisoa tsa beryllium.

3) Ka thuso ea linaha tse haufi le "Lebanta le Tsela", ho ntlafatsa lentsoe la machaba la indasteri ea merafo ea beryllium ea naha ea heso.Ho haella ha tokelo ea naha ea heso ea ho bua ka khoebo ea machaba ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium ho lebisa boemong bo bobe ba khoebo ea machaba ea lihlahisoa tsa liminerale tsa beryllium Chaena.Ho fihlela sena, ho ea ka liphetoho tsa tikoloho ea machaba ea lipolotiki, naha ea heso e lokela ho sebelisa ka botlalo melemo e tlatsetsang ea linaha tse haufi le "Lebanta le Tsela" le naha ea heso ka lisebelisoa, ho matlafatsa matsete a merafo linaheng le libakeng tse haufi le tsela, le ho etsa dipuisano tsa disebediswa tsohle.E le ho sebetsana ka katleho le tšokelo e hlahisitsoeng ke ntoa ea khoebo ea Sino-US mabapi le phepelo e nepahetseng ea lihlahisoa tsa naha ea heso tsa maano, naha ea heso e lokela ho matlafatsa lilekane tsa leano le linaha tse haufi le "Lebanta le Tsela",

Nako ea poso: May-09-2022