The Difference Between Beryllium Copper and Beryllium Cobalt Copper

Beryllium copper c17200 is the electrode material with the highest hardness of copper alloys. After beryllium copper containing Be2.0% is subjected to solid solution and aging strengthening heat treatment, its ultimate strength and wear resistance can reach the level of high-strength alloy steel. High hardness and wear-resistant electrode materials are commonly used beryllium copper. The heat treatment process of beryllium copper is: 1050-1060K solid solution, 573-603K aging treatment for 1-3h, beryllium copper is commonly used for electrode materials with the highest hardness and wear resistance after heat treatment. The heat treatment process of beryllium copper is: 1050-1060K aging treatment for 1-3h, the highest hardness of beryllium steel after heat treatment can reach HV=350 or more, but the conductivity at this time is low, usually around 17MS/M. The melting temperature of beryllium copper is low. When the temperature exceeds 1133K, melting may occur. Its softening temperature is also low, generally not greater than 673K. If the temperature exceeds 823K, beryllium copper will be completely softened. Due to this characteristic of beryllium copper, it is generally not used for spot welding and seam welding electrodes with small contact area and high welding surface temperature, otherwise its electrical and thermal conductivity will be low and cause serious adhesion.
Beryllium cobalt copper: Beryllium cobalt copper containing Be0.4%-0.7% and Co2.0%-2.8% is the most important kind of electrode copper alloys with high strength and medium conductivity, and plays an important role in resistance welding. Beryllium cobalt copper is a heat treatment strengthened alloy. Adding beryllium and cobalt to copper can form metal compounds with high melting point and high hardness, which can significantly improve the strength of copper. Cobalt can also delay the decomposition of solid solution during heat treatment and improve the precipitation hardening of the alloy. Effect. The heat treatment process is generally: 1220K1-2h after quenching, cold working with 30%-40% compression rate, and then aging heat treatment at 720-750K for 2-3h, the highest hardness of beryllium cobalt copper after heat treatment can reach HV=250- 270, the conductivity is between 23-29 MS/m. Nickel beryllium copper is an alloy with very similar properties to beryllium cobalt copper. When nickel beryllium copper contains Be0.2%-0.4, Ni1.4%-1.6%, and Ti0.05%-0.15%, its hardness can reach HV= 220-250, conductivity 26-29MS/m, the service life of stainless steel and heat-resistant steel welded with nickel beryllium copper is 5-8 times higher than that of chromium copper, and 1/3 higher than that of beryllium cobalt copper. Nickel silicon copper: nickel silicon copper It is a heat treatment strengthened alloy with high strength and hardness, and good wear resistance. It is an alloy with high performance that can replace beryllium copper electrode material. The alloy can form intermetallic compounds due to nickel and silicon during heat treatment. And precipitation of dispersed phase, so as to strengthen the matrix, commonly used nickel-silicon-copper containing Ni2.4%-3.4, si0.6%-1.1%, after 1173K solution quenching, 720K aging heat treatment has higher mechanical properties and electrical conductivity Rate. Nickel-silicon-chromium-copper is a copper alloy developed on the basis of nickel-silicon-copper, and its performance is closer to beryllium-cobalt copper. Nickel-silicon-chromium copper contains Ni2.0%-3.0%, Si0.5%-0.8%, Cr0.2 %-0.6%, after 1170K solution quenching, 50% cold deformation processing.

Beryllium cobalt copper C17500 is used in welding electrodes for various seam welding machines, spot welding machines, butt welding machines, etc. Beryllium-cobalt-copper alloy, good workability, can be forged into various shapes of parts, the strength of beryllium-cobalt-copper. The wear resistance is better than the physical properties of chromium-zirconium-copper alloy, can be used for welding machine parts and welding nozzles and spot welding Material. Technical parameters: electrical conductivity (%IACS) ≈ 55, hardness (HV) ≈ 210, softening temperature (℃) ≈ 610 Bars, plates, oversized pieces and various special-shaped parts can be provided, and customers need to provide drawings. Main parameters (Main Date) Density: g/cm3 (8.9) Tensile strength: MPa (650) Hardness HRC19-26 Elongation (55) Electrical conductivity IACS (58) Thermal conductivity W/m.k (195) Softening temperature ℃ (≥ 700 Beryllium Cobalt Copper Welding Parameters Resistance welding electrode: Beryllium cobalt copper has higher mechanical properties than chrome copper and chrome zirconium copper, but electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity are lower than those of chrome copper and chrome zirconium copper. When seam welding electrodes, it is used to weld stainless steel, high temperature alloys, etc. that still maintain the characteristics of high strength at high temperatures, because high electrode pressure needs to be applied when welding such materials, and the strength of the electrode material is also required to be high. It can be used as electrode for spot welding stainless steel and heat-resistant steel, electrode holder, shaft and electrode arm for force-bearing electrode, as well as electrode wheel shaft and bushing for seam welding stainless steel and heat-resistant steel, mold, or inlaid electrode. Copper is widely used in the manufacture of inserts and cores in injection molds or steel molds. When used as inserts in plastic molds, it can effectively reduce the temperature of the heat-concentrated area and simplify or eliminate the design of cooling water channels. Beryllium-cobalt copper is now Some factory specifications include: forged round and flat products, extruded tubes, machined mandrels, ingots and various cast profiles. High thermal conductivity; excellent corrosion resistance; Excellent polishability; excellent wear resistance; excellent anti-adhesion; excellent machinability; high strength and high hardness; 4 times. This feature can ensure fast and uniform cooling of plastic products, reduce product deformation, unclear shape details and similar defects, and can significantly shorten the production cycle of products in most cases. Beryllium cobalt copper introduces various wear-resistant internal Sleeves (such as inner sleeves for molds and wear-resistant inner sleeves in mechanical equipment) and high-strength electrical leads, etc. High thermal conductivity Excellent corrosion resistance Excellent polishability Excellent abrasion resistance Excellent adhesion resistance Excellent machinability High strength and high hardness Excellent weldability Beryllium cobalt copper is widely used in the manufacture of inserts and cores in injection molds or steel molds. When used as inserts in plastic molds, it can be Effectively reduce the temperature of the heat concentration zone, simplify or eliminate the design of cooling water channels. The existing specifications of beryllium cobalt copper include: forged round and flat products, extruded tubes, machined cores Rods (Core Pins), ingots and various casting profiles. The excellent thermal conductivity of beryllium cobalt copper is about 3 to 4 times better than that of mold steel. This feature can ensure rapid and uniform cooling of plastic products, reduce product deformation, and shape Unclear details and similar defects can significantly shorten the production cycle of products in most cases. Application of beryllium cobalt copper: Beryllium cobalt copper can be widely used in molds, cores, inserts that require rapid and uniform cooling, especially High thermal conductivity, corrosion resistance and good polishability requirements. Blow mold: inserts for pinch-off parts, ring and handle parts. Injection mold: inserts for molds, mold cores, and corners of TV casings. Note Plastic: the confluence cavity of the nozzle and hot runner system. Physical index Hardness: >260HV, conductivity: >52%IACS, softening temperature: 520℃

Post time: May-04-2022