Overview of Domestic Market of Beryllium Ore

Section 1 Analysis and Forecast of Beryllium Ore Market Status

1. Overview of market development

Beryllium is widely used in machinery, instrumentation, tools and other industrial sectors and in submarine cable engineering. At present, the consumption of beryllium in beryllium copper and other beryllium-containing alloys in the world has exceeded 70% of the total annual consumption of beryllium metal.

After more than 50 years of development and construction, my country’s beryllium industry has formed a relatively complete system of mining, beryllium, smelting and processing. The output and varieties of beryllium not only meet domestic needs, but also export a considerable amount to earn foreign exchange for the country. Beryllium plays an important role in the manufacture of key components of China’s nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors, satellites and missiles. my country’s beryllium extraction metallurgy, powder metallurgy and processing technology have all reached a relatively advanced level.

2. Distribution and characteristics of beryllium ore

As of 1996, there were 66 mining areas with proven reserves of beryllium ore, and the retained reserves (BeO) reached 230,000 tons, of which industrial reserves accounted for 9.3%.

my country is rich in beryllium mineral resources, which are distributed in 14 provinces and autonomous regions. The reserves of beryllium are as follows: Xinjiang accounts for 29.4%, Inner Mongolia accounts for 27.8% (mainly associated beryllium ore), Sichuan accounts for 16.9%, and Yunnan accounts for 15.8%. 89.9%. Followed by Jiangxi, Gansu, Hunan, Guangdong, Henan, Fujian, Zhejiang, Guangxi, Heilongjiang, Hebei and other 10 provinces, accounting for 10.1%. Beryl mineral reserves are mainly distributed in Xinjiang (83.5%) and Sichuan (9.6%), with a total of 93.1% in the two provinces, followed by Gansu, Yunnan, Shaanxi, and Fujian, with a total of only 6.9% in the four provinces.

Distribution of beryllium ore by province and city

The beryllium mineral resources in my country have the following main characteristics:

1) The distribution is highly concentrated, which is conducive to the construction of large-scale mining, processing, and metallurgical complexes.

2) There are few single ore deposits and many co-associated ore deposits, and the comprehensive utilization value is large. Exploration of beryllium ore in my country shows that most of the beryllium deposits are comprehensive deposits, and their reserves are mainly associated with associated deposits. The reserves of beryllium ore account for 48% with lithium, niobium and tantalum ore, 27% with rare earth ore, 20% with tungsten ore, and a small amount with molybdenum, tin, lead and zinc. And other non-ferrous metals and mica, quartzite and other non-metallic minerals are associated.

3) Low grade and large reserves. Except for a few deposits or ore sections and ore bodies of high grade, most of the beryllium deposits in my country are of low grade, so the established mineral industry indicators are relatively low, so the reserves calculated by the low-grade indicators for exploration are very large.

3. Development forecast

With the increasing market demand for beryllium mineral products, domestic enterprises have gradually strengthened the upgrading of industrial technology and the expansion of industrial scale. On the morning of July 29, 2009, the start-up ceremony of the Yangzhuang Beryllium Mine of Xinjiang CNNC and the completion of Phase I and Phase II of the Xinjiang Science and Technology R&D Center of Nuclear Industry were held in Urumqi. Xinjiang CNNC Yangzhuang Beryllium Mine plans to invest 315 million yuan to build the country’s largest beryllium ore production and processing enterprise. The beryllium mine project in Hebuxel Mongolia Autonomous County is jointly funded and constructed by Xinjiang CNNC Dadi Hefeng Mining Co., Ltd., China Nuclear Industry Geology Bureau and Nuclear Industry No. 216 Brigade. It has entered the preliminary preparation stage. After the project is completed and put into operation in 2012, it will achieve an annual sales income of more than 430 million yuan. It is expected that the mining volume of beryllium in my country will further increase in the future.

Domestic beryllium copper production has also increased investment. The project of “Key Technology Research on High Precision, Large Volume and Heavy Beryllium Bronze Materials” undertaken by Ningxia CNMC Dongfang Group has passed the expert review organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology and was included in the 2009 Ministry of Science and Technology International The scientific and technological cooperation plan received a special funding of 4.15 million yuan. Based on the introduction of foreign advanced technology and high-level experts, the project conducts key technology research and new product development such as equipment configuration, melting casting, semi-continuous casting, heat treatment, etc. Production technology, forming a large-scale production capacity of different specifications of high-precision, large-volume heavy plate and strip.

In terms of beryllium copper demand, the strength, hardness, fatigue resistance, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of beryllium bronze far exceed those of ordinary copper alloys. Better than aluminum bronze, and has good impact resistance and energy damping. The ingot has no residual stress and is basically the same. It is the most widely used structural material at present, and is widely used in aviation, navigation, military industry, electronics industry and nuclear industry. However, the high production cost of beryllium bronze limits its widespread use in the civilian industry. With the development of the national aviation and electronics industry, it is believed that the material will be more and more widely used.

Industry insiders believe that beryllium-copper alloy has many advantages over other alloys. The development prospect and market of its series of products are promising, and it can become a new economic growth point for non-ferrous metal processing enterprises. The development direction of China’s beryllium-copper industry: new product development, quality improvement , expand the scale, save energy and reduce consumption. The scientific and technological personnel of China’s beryllium copper industry have carried out research and development work for decades, and have carried out a lot of innovation work on the basis of independent scientific research. Especially in the case of poor technology and equipment, through the national spirit of self-improvement, hard work, and continuous innovation, high-quality beryllium copper products are produced, which ensures the needs of military and civilian industrial beryllium copper materials.

From the above analysis, it can be seen that in the next few years, my country’s beryllium ore mining and beryllium ore production and demand will have a relatively large increase, and the market prospect is very broad.

Section 2 Analysis and Forecast of Beryllium Ore Product Output Section 3 Analysis and Forecast of Beryllium Ore Market Demand

Beryllium is mainly used in the electronics, atomic energy and aerospace industries. Beryllium bronze is a copper-based alloy containing beryllium, and its beryllium consumption accounts for 70% of the total consumption of beryllium.
With the rapid growth of information and communication facilities such as mobile phones and the development and application of electrical equipment in automobiles, the demand for beryllium copper alloy ductile materials has reached a new high. Demand for beryllium copper wrought material is also growing rapidly. Others, such as aircraft and resistance welding machine parts, safety tools, metal mold materials, etc., have also been in strong demand.

In recent years, with the rapid development of my country’s electronics, machinery, atomic energy and aerospace industries, the market demand for beryllium ore products in my country has grown rapidly. The demand for beryllium ore (in terms of beryllium) in my country increased from 33.6 tons in 2003 to 89.6 tons in 2009.

Section 3 Analysis and forecast of beryllium ore consumption

1. Current status of product consumption

The beryllium ore product, beryllium copper, is a product with rapid growth in consumer demand in recent years, which currently accounts for 70% of beryllium consumption. The consumption of beryllium copper is mainly concentrated in the fields of electronics, aerospace, atomic bomb, and machinery.

Due to its light weight and high strength, beryllium is currently used in many supersonic aircraft braking devices, because it has excellent heat absorption and heat dissipation properties, and the heat generated during “braking” will be quickly dissipated. When artificial earth satellites and spacecraft travel through the atmosphere at high speed, the friction between the body and the air molecules will generate high temperatures. Beryllium acts as their “heat jacket”, which absorbs a lot of heat and dissipates it very quickly.

Beryllium copper has excellent mechanical properties and enhanced hardness, so it is currently an excellent material for making hairsprings and high-speed bearings in watches.

A very valuable feature of nickel-containing beryllium bronze is that it does not spark when struck. This feature is very important for making special tools for military industry, oil and mining. In the defense industry, beryllium bronze alloys are also used in critical moving parts of aero-engines.

With the development of beryllium product technology and the expansion of application fields, the current consumption of beryllium products is further expanded. Beryllium bronze strips can be used to make electronic connector contacts, switch contacts, and key components such as diaphragms, diaphragms, bellows, Spring washers, micro-motor brushes and commutators, electrical connectors, clock parts, audio components, etc., are widely used in instruments, instruments, computers, automobiles, home appliances and other industries.

2. Huge potential for future consumption

The excellent performance of beryllium products has made the domestic market continue to increase the demand for its consumption. my country has strengthened investment in beryllium mining technology and beryllium copper production scale. In the future, with the improvement of domestic production capacity, the prospect of product consumption and application will be very optimistic.

Section 4 Analysis of the price trend of beryllium ore

On the whole, the price of beryllium mineral products is on the rise, mainly due to the following factors:

1. The distribution of beryllium resources is highly concentrated;

2. Beryllium enterprises are limited, and domestic production capacity is concentrated;

3. In recent years, the demand for beryllium products in the domestic market has grown rapidly, and the relationship between product supply and demand is tense;

4. Rising prices of energy, labor and ore resources.

The current price of beryllium is: metal beryllium 6,000-6,500 yuan/kg (beryllium ≥ 98%); high-purity beryllium oxide 1,200 yuan/kg; beryllium copper alloy 125,000 yuan/ton; beryllium aluminum alloy 225,000 yuan/ton; beryllium bronze alloy ( 275C) 100,000 yuan/ton.

From the perspective of future development, as a rare mineral resource, the unique attribute of its mineral resource—limitation, as well as the rapid growth of market demand, will inevitably lead to long-term bullish product prices.

Section 5 Analysis of Import and Export Value of Beryllium Ore

my country’s beryllium mineral products have been exported to varying degrees in recent years. Domestic product exports are mainly low value-added products.

In terms of imports, beryllium copper is a major technical problem in the industry due to its complex processing technology, special production equipment, difficult industrial production and high technical content. At present, my country’s high-performance beryllium bronze materials are highly dependent on imports. Product imports are mainly from two companies, BrushWellman in the United States and NGK in Japan.

Disclaimer: This article is only a market research opinion of China Economic and Technological Development, and does not represent any other investment basis or implementation standards and other related behaviors. If you have other questions, please call: 4008099707. It is hereby stated.

Post time: May-17-2022