Global Beryllium-bearing Mineral Production Growth, Regional Distribution and Beryllium Metal Price Trend Analysis in 2019

From 1998 to 2002, the production of beryllium decreased year by year, and began to pick up in 2003, because the growth of demand in new applications stimulated the global production of beryllium, which reached a peak of 290 tons in 2014, and began to decline in 2015 due to energy, Production declined due to low demand in the medical and consumer electronics markets.
In terms of the international beryllium price, there are mainly four major time periods: the first stage: from 1935 to 1975, it was a process of continuous price reduction. At the beginning of the Cold War, the United States imported a large number of strategic reserves of beryl, resulting in a temporary rise in prices. The second stage: From 1975 to 2000, due to the outbreak of information technology, new demand was generated, resulting in a surge in demand and a continuous increase in prices. The third stage: From 2000 to 2010, due to the price increase in the previous decades, many new beryllium factories were built around the world, resulting in overcapacity and oversupply. Including the closure of the famous old beryllium metal plant in Elmore, Ohio, USA. Although the price then rose slowly and fluctuated, it never recovered to half the level of the 2000 price. The fourth stage: From 2010 to 2015, due to the sluggish global economic growth since the post-financial crisis, the price of bulk minerals has been depressed, and the price of beryllium has also experienced a slow decline.

In terms of domestic prices, we can see that the prices of domestic beryllium metal and beryllium copper alloys are relatively stable, with small fluctuations, mainly due to relatively weak domestic technology, relatively small supply and demand scale, and less large fluctuations.
According to the “Research Report on the Development of China’s Beryllium Industry in 2020 Edition”, among the currently observable data (some countries have insufficient data), the world’s main producer is the United States, followed by China. Due to weak smelting and processing technology in other countries, the overall The output is relatively small, and it is mainly exported to other countries for further processing in the mode of trade. In 2018, the United States produced 170 metal tons of beryllium-containing minerals, accounting for 73.91% of the world’s total, while China produced only 50 tons, accounting for 21.74% (there are some countries with missing data).

Post time: May-09-2022