CuBe2 Beryllium Copper: Properties and Applications

Table of Contents:

I. Introduction
II. What is CuBe2 Beryllium Copper?
III. Properties of CuBe2 Beryllium Copper
A. Strength and Ductility
B. Corrosion Resistance
C. Thermal Conductivity
D. Electrical Conductivity
IV. Applications of CuBe2 Beryllium Copper
A. Aerospace Industry
B. Defense Industry
C. Electrical Industry
D. Oil and Gas Industry
E. Medical Industry
V. Conclusion



Beryllium copper alloys are a family of alloys that exhibit unique properties such as high strength, ductility, and thermal conductivity. CuBe2 beryllium copper is one of the most widely used alloys in this family, thanks to its excellent mechanical and physical properties. In this article, we will discuss the properties and applications of CuBe2 beryllium copper.


What is CuBe2 Beryllium Copper?

CuBe2 beryllium copper is a copper-based alloy that contains 1.8-2.0% beryllium and a small amount of nickel. The addition of beryllium to copper improves its strength, hardness, and corrosion resistance. Nickel is added to improve the alloy’s ductility and toughness. CuBe2 beryllium copper is also known as C17200, UNS C17200, and RWMA Class 4.


Properties of CuBe2 Beryllium Copper:

Strength and Ductility:

CuBe2 beryllium copper has excellent strength and ductility. It has a tensile strength of 138 ksi (950 MPa) and a yield strength of 120 ksi (827 MPa). The alloy’s high strength makes it suitable for high-stress applications such as aerospace and defense industries. Its ductility allows it to be formed and shaped easily.

Corrosion Resistance:

CuBe2 beryllium copper has excellent corrosion resistance. It can resist corrosion in a variety of environments, including seawater, acids, and alkaline solutions. Its corrosion resistance makes it suitable for marine and chemical processing applications.

Thermal Conductivity:

CuBe2 beryllium copper has high thermal conductivity, which makes it suitable for heat transfer applications. Its thermal conductivity is 80-90% that of pure copper. The alloy’s high thermal conductivity makes it suitable for heat sinks, heat exchangers, and electrical contacts.

Electrical Conductivity:

CuBe2 beryllium copper has excellent electrical conductivity. Its electrical conductivity is 22-27% higher than that of pure copper. The alloy’s high electrical conductivity makes it suitable for electrical and electronic applications.

CuBe2 beryllium copper 2

Applications of CuBe2 Beryllium Copper:

Aerospace Industry:

CuBe2 beryllium copper is widely used in the aerospace industry for its high strength and lightweight properties. It is used in aircraft parts such as landing gear, wing components, and engine components.

Defense Industry:

CuBe2 beryllium copper is also used in the defense industry for its high strength and corrosion resistance properties. It is used in military equipment such as tanks, armored vehicles, and missiles.

Electrical Industry:

CuBe2 beryllium copper is widely used in the electrical industry for its high electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity properties. It is used in electrical contacts, switchgear components, and heat sinks.

Oil and Gas Industry:

CuBe2 beryllium copper is used in the oil and gas industry for its high strength and corrosion resistance properties. It is used in offshore drilling equipment, downhole drilling tools, and pipelines.

Medical Industry:

CuBe2 beryllium copper is also used in the medical industry for its biocompatibility and antimicrobial properties. It is used in medical equipment such as surgical instruments, dental instruments, and implantable devices.



CuBe2 beryllium copper is a versatile and widely used alloy that offers a unique combination of strength, ductility, corrosion resistance, and thermal and electrical conductivity. Its properties make it suitable for use in various industries, including aerospace, defense, electrical, oil and gas, and medical industries. The alloy’s popularity is expected to continue to grow as new applications and technologies are developed that require its unique properties. However, it is important to note that beryllium is a toxic substance, and proper safety precautions must be taken during the manufacturing and handling of CuBe2 beryllium copper products.




Post time: Mar-27-2023