Common Uses of Beryllium

As mentioned above, about 30% of the beryllium produced in the world each year is used to manufacture parts and components related to national security equipment and equipment such as reactors, rockets, missiles, spacecraft, aircraft, submarines, etc. Additives for high-energy fuels for rockets, missiles, and jet aircraft.
About 70% of most beryllium is used in conventional industries, such as alloying elements, adding less than 2% of Be to copper, nickel, aluminum, magnesium can produce dramatic effects, the most famous of which is beryllium copper, They are Cu-Be alloys with Be content less than 3%, which are widely used in industry. For example, there are 6 kinds of deformed copper-beryllium alloys (C17XXX alloys) included in the ASTM standard in the United States, and the Be content is 0.2%~2.00%; 7 kinds of cast copper-beryllium alloys (C82XXX) with Be content of 0.23%~2.85%. Beryllium copper has a series of excellent properties. It is a very important copper alloy and has been widely used in various fields of the national economy. In addition, nickel-beryllium alloy, aluminum-beryllium alloy and steel also consume some beryllium. The consumption of beryllium in beryllium-containing alloys accounts for about 50% of the total, and the rest is used in glass manufacturing and in the ceramic industry in the form of beryllium oxide.

Post time: May-23-2022