C17200 Beryllium Copper Features

c17200 Beryllium copper features: Beryllium copper is a casting and forging material with high strength, high electrical conductivity, high thermal conductivity, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, non-magnetic, non-flammability, processability, and is widely used in various fields. middle. Strength Through precipitation hardening, it can reach high tensile strength (over 1350N/mm2) in copper alloys, which can even match steel. Conductive beryllium copper alloys have electrical conductivity in the range of about 2055IACS and are widely used in applications requiring high electrical conductivity. Thermal conductivity Beryllium copper alloys have thermal conductivity in the range of about 120250W/(m·K), and are widely used in applications requiring efficient heat dissipation. Corrosion-resistant beryllium-copper alloys have the strength of steel, while retaining the corrosion resistance of copper alloys, and they are not prone to crevice corrosion like stainless steel, and are widely used in applications requiring long-term corrosion resistance.
Application of beryllium copper: high beryllium copper has the characteristics of high strength, high hardness, high conductivity, high elasticity, wear resistance, fatigue resistance, corrosion resistance and small elastic lag, mainly used in temperature controllers, mobile phone batteries, computers, automobiles Spare parts, micro motors, brush needles, advanced bearings, glasses, contacts, gears, punches, all kinds of non-sparking switches, all kinds of welding electrodes and precision casting molds, etc.
Characteristics of beryllium copper: Mainly around the various working conditions of non-ferrous metal low-pressure and gravity casting molds, through in-depth research on the failure causes of beryllium bronze mold materials, its composition and the internal relationship of corrosion resistance of molten metal, the development of high electrical conductivity (thermal), high The high-performance beryllium bronze mold material combined with strength, wear resistance, high temperature resistance, high toughness and corrosion resistance of molten metal solves the problems of low pressure of domestic non-ferrous metals, easy cracking and wear of gravity casting molds, and significantly improves the mold performance. life and casting strength; overcome the adhesion of molten metal slag and erosion of the mold; improve the surface quality of the casting; reduce the production cost; make the life of the mold close to the imported level. High-performance beryllium bronze mold material hardness is between (HRC) 3843, density 8.3g/cm3, main addition element is beryllium, containing beryllium 1.9-2.15, it is widely used in plastic injection molding mold inserts, cores, die-casting Punch, hot runner cooling system, heat conduction nozzle, integral cavity of blow mold, automobile mold, wear plate, etc.

Post time: Apr-18-2022