Beryllium bronze is classified according to alloy composition and manufacturing process

According to the alloy composition, the beryllium bronze with 0.2% ~ 0.6% beryllium is of high conductivity (electrical and thermal); High strength beryllium bronze has a beryllium content of 1.6%~2.0%.

According to the manufacturing process, it can be divided into cast beryllium bronze and deformed beryllium bronze. C is the most popular beryllium bronze alloy in the world. Deformed beryllium bronze includes C17000, C17200 (high-strength beryllium bronze) and C17500 (high conductivity beryllium bronze). Corresponding cast beryllium bronze includes C82000, C82200 (high conductivity cast beryllium copper) and C82400, C82500, C82600, C82800 (high-strength wear-resistant cast beryllium copper).

Beryllium bronze is classified according to alloy composition and manufacturing process

The largest beryllium copper alloy manufacturer in the world is Brush Company, whose enterprise standards correspond to international standards and have certain authority. The history of beryllium bronze production in China is almost the same as that in the former Soviet Union, the United States and other countries, but only high-strength beryllium bronze QBe1.9, QBe2.0 and QBe1.7 are listed in the national standard. Other high conductivity beryllium bronze or cast beryllium bronze have been put into mass production according to the needs of the development of the petroleum industry and national defense industry.

Post time: Oct-14-2022