Beryllium: A Rising Star on the High-tech Stage

An important application direction of metal beryllium is alloy manufacturing. We know that bronze is much softer than steel, less elastic and less resistant to corrosion. However, when a little beryllium was added to bronze, its properties changed dramatically. People generally call the bronze containing beryllium 1% to 3.5% beryllium bronze. The mechanical properties of beryllium bronze are better than steel, and the hardness and elasticity are also improved, and the corrosion resistance is also greatly enhanced, while maintaining its good electrical conductivity.
Because beryllium bronze has many excellent properties, it has a wide range of applications in many fields. For example, beryllium bronze is often used to make deep-sea probes and submarine cables, as well as precision instrument parts, high-speed bearings, wear-resistant gears, welding electrodes, and watch hairsprings. In the electronic instrument industry, beryllium bronze can also be used as elastic elements such as switches, reeds, contacts, contacts, diaphragms, diaphragms, and bellows. In civil aviation aircraft, beryllium bronze is often used to manufacture bearings, which has the characteristics of corrosion resistance, wear resistance, high strength, and its service life is increased by more than 4 times. Using beryllium bronze to make transmission lines of electric locomotives can further improve its electrical conductivity. A spring made of beryllium bronze is said to be capable of being compressed hundreds of millions of times.
Nickel-containing beryllium bronze also has a very valuable quality, that is, it does not spark when impacted, so it is very useful in industries such as oil and explosives. At the same time, nickel-containing beryllium bronze will not be magnetized by magnets, so it is a good material for making anti-magnetic parts.

Post time: May-24-2022