A “Trump Card” in Aerospace Materials

We know that reducing the weight of a spacecraft can save on launch costs. As an important light metal, beryllium is much less dense than aluminum and stronger than steel. Therefore, beryllium is an extremely important aerospace material. Beryllium-aluminum alloys, which have the advantages of both beryllium and aluminum, are widely used as structural materials for space vehicles, such as artificial satellites and spaceships. The base frame, beam column and fixed truss Liang et al.

Alloys containing beryllium are also high-quality materials for the manufacture of aircraft, and beryllium can be found in key components such as rudders and wing boxes. It is reported that in a modern large aircraft, about 1,000 parts are made of beryllium alloy.
In the metal kingdom, beryllium has excellent thermal properties, and has excellent properties such as high melting point, high specific heat, high thermal conductivity and suitable thermal expansion rate. If beryllium is used to manufacture braking devices for supersonic aircraft, it has very good heat absorption and heat dissipation properties. Using beryllium to make “heat-proof jackets” for artificial satellites and spacecraft can ensure that their temperature will not rise too high when they pass through the atmosphere, thereby ensuring the safety of spacecraft. At the same time, metal beryllium is also a key material for the manufacture of inertial navigation systems, which is of great significance for improving the navigation accuracy of missiles, aircraft, and submarines. Because beryllium has good reflectivity for infrared light, it is also used in space optical systems.

Post time: May-26-2022