A Comprehensive Introduction to the Origin, Production and Use of Beryllium

The plastic working process produces beryllium and beryllium alloys.
The production of beryllium metal and beryllium-containing alloys began in the 1920s.
During World War II, the beryllium industry received considerable
big development.
Since the mid-1960s, beryllium has been used in the aerospace industry, and the research on beryllium materials has been in the 40s.
In the 1990s, it mainly solved the casting and extrusion process problems of beryllium; in 1947, the powder metallurgy was formed
The process of gold for living; in the early 70s, the mechanism of microalloying was mastered, and impact was applied
Grinding, electrorefining, hot isostatic pressing and powder pretreatment processes, so that the strength of the beryllium material
The chemical properties have been significantly improved (the elongation increased from 1% to 3~4%).
The development of beryllium materials in China began in 1958, and in the 1970s, the high-throughput test reaction was successfully developed.
Beryllium components and various beryllium materials for reactors.
At present, the world mainly includes the United States, Russia, Kazakhstan, China, Brazil,
Argentina and a few countries in Africa mine beryllium ore, but the comprehensive process from ore processing to beryllium products
Production is only in the US, Kazakhstan and China.
1) The origin of metal beryllium Beryllium was first called Glucinium, which came from Greece
The word glykys means sweet, because the salts of beryllium have a sweet taste.
Since the salts of yttrium also have a sweet taste, Wheeler named it Beryllium later.
It is derived from the English name of beryl, the main ore of beryllium.
The element symbol is Be, and the Chinese name is beryllium.
Beryllium, atomic number 4, atomic weight 9.012182, is the lightest alkaline earth metal element.
When the chemical analysis of beryl and emerald was carried out by the French chemist Walkerin in 1798
In 1828, German chemist Willer and French chemist Bissy used metal potassium to reduce molten metal respectively.
Melted beryllium chloride yields pure beryllium.
Its English name is named after Weller.
The content of beryllium in the earth’s crust is 0.001%, and the main minerals are beryl, beryllium and chrysoberyl
Natural beryllium has three isotopes:
Beryllium 7, Beryllium 8, Beryllium 10.
2) Physical, chemical properties and reserves of beryllium Beryllium is a steel gray metal; the melting point is 1283C,
Boiling point 2970C, density 1.85 g/cm, beryllium ion radius 0.31 angstroms, more than other gold
The genus is much smaller and thermally stable.
The content of beryllium in the earth’s crust is 0.001%, and the main minerals are beryl
(3BeOAl2O36SiO2), silicon beryllium (2BeOSiO2) and aluminum beryllium (BeOAl2O3).
Minerals containing beryllium – emerald, also known as emerald, emerald green and crystal clear, dazzling, is a treasure
Treasures in stone.
It contains an important rare metal jujube beryllium.
The Greek word for beryllium means emerald.
Emerald is a variant of beryl ore.
Beryllium is chemically active and can form a dense surface oxide protective layer, even in red hot
Beryllium is also stable in air.

Post time: May-17-2022