ua Tuam Tshoj CuCr1Zr – UNS.C18150 Chromium Zirconium Copper Alloys |Loj lub cev muaj zog Tsim thiab Hoobkas |Jiasheng tooj liab

CuCr1Zr – UNS.C18150 Chromium Zirconium Copper Alloys |Lub cev muaj zog loj

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

CuCr1Zr - UNS.C18150 Chromium Zirconium Copper C18150 yog ib qho zoo heev thiab tshwj xeeb tooj liab alloy nrog siab hluav taws xob conductivity, hardness, thiab ductility, nruab nrab lub zog, thiab zoo heev tsis kam mus softening ntawm siab kub.Qhov sib ntxiv ntawm 0.1% zirconium (Zr) thiab 1.0% chromium (Cr) rau tooj liab ua rau lub tshav kub kho tau cov hlau uas yuav raug kho thiab tom qab hnub nyoog los tsim cov khoom tsim nyog.Qws feem ntau yog muab los ntawm lub zeb nyob rau hauv lub hnub nyoog tag nrho thiab kos tus mob yog li tsis muaj kev kho cua sov ntxiv los ntawm tus fabricator.Lub softening kub ntawm zoo cua sov kho C18150 pas nrig tshaj 500 ° C piv rau unalloyed ntshiab tooj liab uas softens ntawm 200 ° C, thiab nyiaj bearing tooj liab uas soften ntawm 350 ° C

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  • Product Detail


    Khoom cim npe

    Tsis tas li ntawd, ntau cov pov thawj qhia tau tiasC18150 Nwstuaj yeem muab cov nplaum tsawg dua thiab tiv thaiv deformation ntev dua li nws cov C18200 counterpart hauv qee qhov chaw tshwj xeeb.

    Daim ntawv thov rau C18150 Chromium Zirconium Copper Alloys:

    Kev Lag Luam Hluav Taws Xob: Kev Tiv Thaiv Vuam Electrodes, Circuit Breaker Hloov
    Consumer: Qws Extensions, cwj mem-hom, Lub teeb Soldering phom, tswv yim
    Muaj: Vuam Wheels, Lub Tswv Yim thiab Qws Extensions rau kev tiv thaiv seam thiab chaw vuam

    Muaj Qhov Loj:
    Custom Diameter & Sizes, Random Mill lengths

    Cov khoom muaj (cov ntaub ntawv):

    Round bar, tiaj tiaj, Square tuav, Rectangular tuav, Hexagon tuav, daim hlau
    Cov duab kev cai muaj nyob rau ntawm qhov kev thov.

    Tshuaj muaj pes tsawg leeg:

    Cr: 0.50-1.50%
    Tus nqi: 0.05-0.25%
    Cu: Balance
    Nco tseg: Copper ntxiv ntxiv sib npaug 99.70% yam tsawg kawg nkaus.

    Yam Khoom Lub cev:

    Qhov ceev ntawm 68 ° F: 0.321 Lbs./In.3
    Lub ntiajteb txawj nqus: 8.89
    Melting Point (Liquidus): 1080 ° C (1976 ° F)
    (Solidus): 1070 ° C (1958 ° F)
    Coefficient ntawm Thermal Expansion per ° F: 9.5 x 10-6 (77-212 ° F)
    Hluav taws xob conductivity ntawm 68 ° F (volumetric): 80% IACS (hnub nyoog thiab kos)
    Thermal conductivity Btu/ft.2/ft./hr./°F ntawm 68°F: 187
    Modulus ntawm Elasticity - Tension: 17,000 ksi

    Nco tseg:
    1).cov units yog raws li US Customary.
    2).cov khoom siv lub cev raug siv rau cov khoom uas muaj hnub nyoog tawv.

    International Specification:

    Qws / Bars / Phaj / Sheets: UNS.C18150, SAE J461,463; RWMA Class 2, ISO5182-1991

    European Standards: CuCr1Zr, DIN 17666 2.1293, CW106C rau EN

    Nco tseg:
    ASTM: American Society for Testing and Materials
    SAE: Society of Automotive Engineers
    RWMA: Resistance Welder Manufacturers 'Association
    Lus Cim: Tshwj tsis yog tias tau teev tseg, cov khoom yuav raug tsim rau ASTM & RWMA.

    Mechanical Properties:

    Cov ncauj lus kom ntxaws Mechanical Properties yuav muaj nyob rau ntawm kev thov los ntawm cov neeg siv khoom.

    Feem ntau siv Temper:

    Qws / Bars / Tubes: AT (TF00), HT (TH04)
    Phaj: AT(TF00), HT(TH04)

  • Yav dhau los:
  • Tom ntej:

  • Sau koj cov lus ntawm no thiab xa tuaj rau peb